सोमवार, 28 अक्टूबर 2013

Its Time to Give Up Kashmir Arundhati Roy!!

Published on Aug 20, 2011
Arundhati Roy is an Indian novelist. She won the Booker Prize in 1997 for her novel, The God of Small Things, and has also written two screenplays and several collections of essays.In an interview with Times of India published in August 2008, Arundhati Roy expressed her support for the independence of Kashmir from India after massive demonstrations in favor of independence took place—some 500,000 separatists rallied in Srinagar in the Kashmir part of Jammu and Kashmir state of India for independence on 18 August 2008, following the Amarnath land transfer controversy. According to her, the rallies were a sign that Kashmiris desire secession from India.
Indian Army had occupied part of Kashmir and Kashmirs are fighting with Indian forces, while Pakistan and Indian had fought four wars over Kashmir in which almost half of the Kashmir is free now and still Pakistan is fighting at every level for the basic right of self determination of Kashmiri people, Pakistan just want from India to allow Kashmirs to decide where they want to live, as part of India, Kashmir or as separate State, but India does not allow them as if India allow Kashmirs to decide their future than defiantly many others would ask for freedom from India as they are also fighting against Indian govt and forces like in Assam and Ghorkhaland, Nexalite etc, there are almost 67 Independence movements in India for who are fighting for freedom from India.

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