Osho Conducting Meditation Camp in Pune-1972...♥ [V★]
26-03-2012 पर प्रकाशित
Courtesy:Jivan Vistar//YouTube
A Rare footage of video from an Italian Sannyasin...
Many Thanks for Sharing such Rare piece...
Master Presence in a Meditation Camp almost Forty Years ago...
The Super Charged Energy of Meditative Sannyasins is Very Inspiring...
Thx to Jagdish Bharti who shared this Video on Facebook...♥
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Vistar :)
Many Thanks for Sharing such Rare piece...
Master Presence in a Meditation Camp almost Forty Years ago...
The Super Charged Energy of Meditative Sannyasins is Very Inspiring...
Thx to Jagdish Bharti who shared this Video on Facebook...♥
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Vistar :)
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